The Ultimate Challengers Wiki

Parvati Shallow-The winner of Micronesia.

Laurel Stucky-Runner up on Fresh Meat Il.

Who Is Deadliest?


Parvati is also the runner up on heroes vs villains, in Alines with Russell and made a friend with Danielle. Also she want Around the World for Free. When Laurel was in Fresh Meat ll she was in 2nd place with her partner Kenny. Also in Cutthroat but didn't mack it but again 2nd place on Rivals. In Rivals she had a strounge bune with CT, Cara Maria althow she & her had bet of a fight but thats all in the past.

X Factore[]

My thouts are these wemon are tuff.

  1. Wight-I beat same shape. (12/12) cm
  2. Brains-Both Barin & they use them. (20/20)%
  3. Speed-Ty. (30/30) M.P.H.
  4. Wins-Laurel won 1+1+5+Exile+2 Jungles Challenges & Parvati won/found Immunity 4+Russell's.

I think the Deadliest Challenger is your vote.[]

Results: Soon
