The Ultimate Challengers Wiki

Team #1: Ninja Warrios-Brian Orosco & Levi Meeuwenbug.

Team #2: Mony/Gold-Joshua "Whiteboy" Gallander & Frank "The Entertainer" Maresca from I Love Money.

Who Is Deadliest?


One of American All Star on Ninja Warriors Brian & Levi were in U.S.A. & Japan. Whiteboy, The Entertainer were in I Love Money & I Love New York. Whiteboy is in the Green team called Money & Entertainer is in the Yellow team called Gold.

X Factore[]

My thouts are going with the ninjas on this one.

  1. Wight-The Ninjas maybe havy. (N's84+70/W&E's22) .cm
  2. 'Brains-They both' use their heads. (W&E's30/N's30)%
  3. Speed-Ninja always use speed to race aginst Time. (N's67/W&E's60) M.P.H.
  4. Wins-Whiteboy & Entertainer: won 10+3 Paymasters vs Brian & Levi: both been in American Ninja Warriors 3 times.

I think the Deadliest Challengers are You Vote![]

Results: Soon
